By: The Third Beltway Boy

With all the talk recently regarding how best to provide medical care in the United States I believe there is an argument that has gone unnoticed. Talks of a one-payer system and allowing for competition across state lines are all well and good. But we’ve been arguing about these things for years and all we’ve gotten out of it is a bizarre one thousand page bill that the president himself did not read before he signed.

So I would like to offer the following advice to any potential 2012 presidential candidate running on behalf of the G.O.P. The argument is based on three things:

1) Denzel Washington’s charisma

2) The American peoples love of cinema

3) No good movies set to come out until The Hobbit in 2013.

During a debate any potential candidate would be able to convince President Obama that my previous three premises are true. If he denies Denzel’s charisma he’ll lose the woman vote.  If he denies Americans love movies he’ll lost the American Film Institute vote.  And finally  if he says that there is a good movie coming out before The Hobbit he’ll lose the home school vote for his support of Harry Potter.

Once Obama has agreed to all three premises the candidate (hopefully Newt) can spring his trap. I suggest he/she then word their question something like this “So, Mr. President, in this time of financial turmoil, with wars overseas and are borders in crisis, with your support of a universal health care system are you willing to deny the American people of a sequel to John Q.?”
