By: Innocent Smith

Nearly everyone in the television industry is liberal.  Even at a place like The Travel Channel.  Political correctness is a mental disorder that has ravaged our culture, and I saw another (admittedly small) example of it this weekend.  While watching my new favorite show, The Wild Within, I heard on multiple occasions the host (author and outdoorsman Steven Rinella) essentially try to rationalize away the hunting (and more specifically, the killing) he was being filmed doing.  Now, he may well be a stark conservative, NRA member, or something else of the sort, but it was the fact that the host of a show about hunting had to try and explain to we the placated masses why it is okay to kill an animal and eat it.

Here’s Rinella hunting boar in the Hawaiian outback:

The show is great, the host seems to be a cool guy…it is we, the viewers, who are the problem.  Partially because so many of them are liberal, and mostly because so many of us have been educated and indoctrinated by politically correct liberals, the people at the Travel Channel know they have to put up disclaimers and have their host qualify everything he does on a show about hunting.  This likely means that lawsuits and boycotts have been levied at other channels that show such things in the past.

This definitely means we’re a decaying society.

If you choose to not eat meat, then godspeed.  If you are the 90% or more of Americans that do, and you still have a problem with a show about a hunter hunting, you are part of the problem.

Let them hunt meat!